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博斯特在TIGAX 2018上展示其领先的模切与糊盒技术,全面展示博斯特在台湾地区的4.0战略

作者:Admin   来源:华凝文化纸包装工业网   关注:743   时间:2018-09-26  

博斯特在TIGAX 2018上展示其领先的模切与糊盒技术,全面展示博斯特在台湾地区的4.0战略
BOBST innovations in die-cutting, folding and gluing on show at TIGAX 2018,fully demonstrate BOBST in Taiwa 4.0 strategy

BOBST – one of the world’s leading suppliers of equipment and services to packaging and label manufacturers. On the Taipei International Graphic Arts Exhibition (TIGAX) taken place from September 20th to 23rd, 2018 in Taipei, Taiwan, BOBST Shanghai Ltd. featured two of its new folder-gluer and die-cutter innovations.

TIGAX拥有30年的悠久历史,为全球印刷及相关行业的专业人士提供了分享最新趋势和技术进步的绝佳机会。9月20日,TIGAX 2018展览会隆重开启。今年的展会吸引了来自台湾地区众多大中型包装印刷企业和集团公司的参观与采购。台湾地区是博斯特上海开拓与发展的重点区域之一,博斯特在该地区也有着数量众多的忠实客户。
The TIGAX, which has a proud 30-years history, provides a great opportunity for professionals in printing and related industries around the world to share the latest trends and technological advances. This year's exhibition  attracted visits and purchases from many large and medium-sized packaging and printing companies and groups in Taiwan as before.

作为博斯特4.0战略在台湾地区实施的一部分,博斯特历史上首次参加TIGAX 2018展会,并希望通过此次盛会将博斯特的创新技术、专业知识、尖端产品分享给博斯特在中国台湾的客户,帮助客户赢得更多的市场。与此同时,博斯特在台湾地区的4.0战略及“协同发展,追求卓越”的承诺也将更加贴近台湾地区客户。展会期间分呈现与分享的的专业技能与技术知识也将帮助台湾地区的客户更多地了解与使用好博斯特的机器设备。
Taiwan is  one of the key areas for BOBST Shanghai which has a large number of loyal customers in this region. As part of the implementation of BOBST in Taiwan 4.0 strategy, BOBST participated in TIGAX 2018 for the first time in history and hoped to share more BOBST innovative technology, expertise and cutting-edge products to Taiwan’s customers, helping them to win more markets. At the same time, BOBST in Taiwan 4.0 strategy and " PROXIMITY and PERFORMANCE " commitment would be closer to Taiwan's customers. The professional skills and technical knowledge presented and shared during the exhibition would help customers in Taiwan to better understand and use BOBST machinery and equipment.

此次展会,BOBST展位(B310 - 526)成为TIGAX 2018主要看点,其中包括两个主要创新的现场演示:
The BOBST booth (B310 - 526) has become one of the main attractions, featuring live demonstrations of two of its key innovations:

SP 106 SE,自动平压平模切机,配有独特的BOBST双凸轮牙排传动系统,可以最顺畅的方式输送纸张,确保出色的纸盒质量。作业设置可以存储在新的人机操作界面中,它与BOBST Centerline®中心线系统和速锁定模切板框,进行快速简单设置。SP 106 SE可以加工精细或轻质材料,并在高速下提供完美堆叠。这款 出色的模切机具有极多功能,高效和精确的特点,以惊人的实惠价格提供世界领先的技术。高效、高质,且占地较小的SP 106 SE模切机对于台湾地区印后加工车间较小的包装印刷企业客户尤其适合。

SP 106 SE, an Autoplaten ® die-cutter with the unique BOBST double cam gripper bar advance system, which conveys sheets in the smoothest way possible, ensuring excellent box quality. Rapid job set-ups with the BOBST Human Machine Interface, as well as the BOBST Centerline® and quick lock devices guarantee rapid make-readies. SP 106 SE can process even delicate or light materials and delivers perfect stripping quality stacking at high speeds. Extremely versatile, productive and precise, this great die-cutter offers world leading technology for an astonishingly affordable price.  Designed especially for small spaces, the SP 106 SE for Taiwan is now available with a small operator platform.

MEILONG III ,是一款功能极其广泛的多功能全自动糊盒机,能够让客户使用各种材料,以高达每分钟450米的速度生产各种样式的纸盒。操作简单,在提供一流生产效率的同时,还能实现无可匹敌的纸盒质量。此外,这台设备还允许客户同时执行其他联线工艺,例如使用ACCUBRAILLE GT执行盲文压凹凸,使用ACCUCHECK执行质量检查,以及胶水检测和条码检测等,以便让产品完美符合医药和化妆品市场需求。此外,SPEEDWAVE 2(独特的无钩折叠装置)可以显著提高防撞锁和其他特殊盒子的生产。

MEILONG III, the ultimate all-rounder of folder-gluers. It is extremely versatile and gives users the possibility to produce an impressive number of box styles with wide range of materials at a speed up to 450 meters per minute. Easy to operate, it delivers at the superb productivity and boxes of unrivalled quality. MEILONG III allows users to simultaneously carry out other in-line processes, such as quality inspection with Braille embossing with ACCUBRAILLE GT, ACCUCHECK, glue inspection and barcode inspection, making it ideally suited for the pharmaceutical and cosmetic market. Also, the production of crash-lock and other special boxes can be significantly increased with SPEEDWAVE 2, the unique hook-free folding device.

“我们非常高兴能向参观台湾TIGAX的包装和标签产品制造商展示我们创新的模切和糊盒技术,我们所展示的两台机器都以最有效的方式,最大限度地提高质量,这是所有制造商的首要任务。我们还在现场展示讨论了折叠纸盒和瓦楞纸板领域的所有系列的设备和服务。”博斯特(上海)有限公司市场总监Steve Creasey在现场表示,“最重要的是,我们还通过此次展会向台湾地区的客户全面展示了博斯特在台湾地区的4.0战略及其内涵。‘协同发展,追求卓越’——通过加强博斯特在台湾地区的服务支持,包括增加本地工程师人员数量,提供更具竞争力的服务和备件价格,使客户手中的博斯特设备发挥出最佳性能。这对于博斯特加强其在台湾地区的市场地位,并进一步深耕台湾地区市场有着非常重要的意义。”
“We are very excited to demonstrate our die-cutting ,folding and gluing technology to the packaging and label manufacturers attending TIGAX in Taiwan, both of the machines we are showing live are all about maximizing quality in the most efficient way possible, a priority for all manufacturers. We have also been on hand to talk about our whole range of equipment and services in the folding carton, corrugated board ,” said Steve Creasey, BUSF Zone Marketing Director for China,”Most importantly, through this exhibition, we also fully demonstrated the BOBST in Taiwan 4.0 strategy, which focuses on PROXIMITY and PERFORMANCE.  This has seen BOBST strengthen the local service team with more technicians, new competitive tariffs for service and spare parts to enable customers to get even more performance from the BOBST machines. This is very important for BOBST to further strengthen its market position in Taiwan.”

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